Bend, OR - Winnemucca, NV

August 9, 2017 (Day 2)
Bend, OR to Winnemucca, NV
Miles Today: 367 / Total Trip Miles to Date: 622

Today's Route
(Click on map to enlarge)


(Click on photos for a larger image)

High Desert Stream
This crystal-clear stream flows through the historic Roaring Springs Ranch located in the high desert of southeastern Oregon. Roaring Springs Ranch is a contiguous block of over a million acres of land. It includes 260,000 acres of deeded property plus grazing rights on an additional 800,000 acres of public land. Elevation of the valley in this photograph is approximately 4,500 feet.
{Photo on flickr}

"Isolated" best describes the tiny town of Denio, NV with a population of 47. Located at an elevation of 4,207 feet on the Oregon-Nevada border, the closest town of any consequence is Winnemucca, NV which is about 100 miles away. For photos from my 2013 trip through Denio, click on the following links: Denio Junction / Phone Booth
{Photo on flickr}


Drive to Fallon, NV

These photographs are the property of Leon Jackson, and are protected by copyright laws. Photographs may not to be downloaded or reproduced in any way without the written permission of Leon Jackson. © 2017 Leon Jackson. All Rights Reserved.



Robert Brown said...

I like both of these shots. I have never been to this area, but it's on my list. How did you process these? They almost look "Orton-ized."

RiverBear said...

Bob: Thanks. Your comments are always appreciated. Especially the positive ones. The images were processed using combination of Camera Raw, PhotoShop, Nik Collection and MacPhun Luminar. I was unfamiliar with the Orton Effect until now. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.