Pemberton BC - Chilliwack BC - Astoria OR


October 25, 2015
Miles: 200 / Total Trip Miles: 2,372

October 26, 2015
Miles: 320 / Total Trip Miles: 2,692

Pemberton - Chilliwack: The morning temperature was in the high 40s F.  Highway 12 is a rough old 2-lane road following the Fraser River. The highway was reduced to a one-lane road for two miles because of a massive unstable-looking landslide. The Fraser River Canyon serves as a transportation corridor through which two railways and the Trans-Canada Highway One pass through tunnels, over bridges, and on roadbeds blasted out of sheer cliff walls. The section of today's route between Lytton and Chilliwack was the most unmemorable leg of the entire road trip.

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Heading Northeast on Highway 99

Glaciers - Cayoosh Range
Viewed from Highway 99.

Seton Lake:
Seton Lake (14 miles long / 1,640 feet deep) is a natural fjord lake filled from glacier runoff. Seton Portage is a narrow strip of land between Anderson Lake and Seton Lake—I visited Anderson Lake yesterday. The portage was formed 10,000 years ago when the flank of the Cayoosh Range let go and slid into the middle of what had been a single lake. 

Why Is The Lake Turquoise?
Turquoise lakes are fed by streams where large, active glaciers push through rocky valleys upstream. The glaciers function like bulldozers, grinding away and pulverizing rocks along valley floors and walls. The process produces a fine-grained powder of silt and clay (glacial flour) that is picked up by meltwater streams that feed lakes. Since the particles are so fine, they are slow to sink to the bottom of the lake—remaining suspended in the water instead. The glacial flour absorbs and reflects different colors of sunlight which causes the turquoise color.


These photographs are the property of Leon Jackson and are protected by copyright laws. Photographs may not be downloaded or reproduced in any way without the written permission of Leon Jackson. © 2015 Leon Jackson. All Rights Reserved.


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