Port Hardy to Vancouver BC



 Port Hardy to Vancouver
Miles: 259 / Total Trip Miles: 1,684
October 11, 2015

Today's land/sea route to Vancouver was first via The Island Highway, which runs from Port Hardy to the Nanaimo BC Ferry Terminal (Departure Bay) where we caught a ferry. Morning temperatures were cool (mid-40 degrees Fahrenheit). The fall foliage was beautiful with bright orange and red colors. Dense fog covered the highway, and wispy smoke-like fog highlighted the surrounding mountains. Elk walked across the highway and then paused on the road. At Nanaimo, we took a BC Ferry to Horseshoe Bay Terminal, Vancouver. The ferry ride on the MV Coastal Renaissance took one hour and forty minutes.

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Loading Vehicles and Passengers
Location: Nanaimo BC Ferry Terminal.

Passenger Waits for Departure

Leaving the Departure Bay Ferry Terminal

Bundled-up passengers "enjoy" the weather on the outside deck.

Empty Deck

Lifeboat At the Ready

Passengers Enjoy Forward Viewing Area


These photographs are the property of Leon Jackson and are protected by copyright laws. Photographs may not be downloaded or reproduced in any way without the written permission of Leon Jackson. © 2015 Leon Jackson. All Rights Reserved.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like you all enjoy traveling and seeing some beautiful areas! Love to meet up with you both for coffee, L