Lone Pine, CA #2 - Whitney Portal & Alabama Hills

(Astoria - Santa Fe - Death Valley - Astoria)

Lone Pine, CA
November 15, 2013  (Day 32 of 44)
Miles Today: 32 / Trip Miles: 3,766

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All photos © 2014 Leon Jackson. All Rights Reserved. 

Whitney Portal:
Mount Whitney is the highest summit in the contiguous United States with an elevation of 14,500 feet. The most popular trails to the summit start at Whitney Portal (elevation of 8,400 ft) located in the Inyo National Forest. Paved Whitney Portal Road climbs rapidly into the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range. The elevation change is approximately 4,700 feet in the 13 miles from Lone Pine in the Owens Valley (elevation 3,700 ft). The Portal was quiet, shady and cold38 degrees F. The temperature in Lone Pine was in the mid-60s. At the Portal, Lone Pine Creek was partially frozen. The Mount Whitney Trailhead at Whitney Portal is one of the busiest trailheads in the Sierra Nevada.

Frozen Creek
Frozen Lone Pine Creek at Whitney Portal. When the ice melts, this water will be on its way to feed Los Angeles' insatiable thirst for water.

Sierra Nevada Road
Whitney Portal Roadbeautiful scenery and fun drive!  I had the road to myself. Note the homes hidden in the trees.

Alabama Hills:
I explored the hills north of Whitney Portal Road after the sunset. The huge odd-shaped boulders and the maze of unmarked dirt roads create an eerie setting. I didn't want to get lost, so I headed back to the motel before it got too dark.

Alabama Hills at Dusk
 Warm light of early evening twilight in the Movie Road area of the Alabama Hills.

Old Motel During L'Heure Bleu
Old motel on a dark street in Lone Pine during late evening twilight. The planet Venus is visible in the sky, and the Sierra Nevada mountain range is in the background. ISO = 20,000.


Scenic Rating: A-
Driving Fun/Road Rating: A 

Explore the Lone Pine area. 

1 comment:

Muriel J said...

L'Heure Bleu! How continental of you!