Las Vegas, NV to Death Valley, CA

(Astoria - Santa Fe - Death Valley - Astoria)

Las Vegas, NV to Furnace Creek - Death Valley, CA
November 7, 2013  (Day 24 of 44)
Miles Today: 117 / Trip Miles: 2,942

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The Many Faces of Dusk
These four photos were taken within a twelve minute period.
Click on Photos For A Larger Image
All photos © 2014 Leon Jackson. All Rights Reserved. 

Death Valley at Dusk #1
Early twilight in Death Valley. Looking to the northwest toward the Panamint Range from the Furnace Creek Inn.  [flickr]

Death Valley at Dusk #2
Early twilight in Death Valley. Looking to the southwest toward the Panamint Range from the Furnace Creek Inn.  [flickr]

Death Valley at Dusk #3
Dusk in Death Valley. Looking to the west toward the Panamint Range from the Furnace Creek Inn.  [flickr]

Death Valley at Dusk #4
Late twilight in Death Valley. Looking to the northwest toward the Panamint Range from the Furnace Creek Inn.  [flickr]

Today's Route & Destination:
Scenic Rating = A
Driving Fun/Road Rating = B


Death Valley - Dante's View, Zabriskie Point & Twenty Mule Team Canyon.

1 comment:

Muriel J said...

Leon! Can't you submit those photos somewhere and make a fortune? They're so beautiful. Breathtaking.