Twin Falls ID

December 18, 2017

Twin Falls (population 52,000) sits at an elevation of 3,700 ft—the Snake River Canyon forms the city's northern limits. There are three waterfalls in the immediate area. Shoshone Falls is located 5 miles east of the city. The Minidoka Internment National Monument, the site of a World War II internment camp for Japanese Americans, is located 15 miles northeast of Twin Falls.

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Shoshone Falls

Truck Stop Cafe:
Location: Garden of Eden Restaurant at the Traveller's Oasis in Eden, ID. I enjoy truck stop eateries and stores—Mary and I have stopped at this one a few times. 

Happy Customer

This Section Closed

Tin Man, My Shadow & Mary
Location: Somewhere between the truck stop cafe and Minidoka Internment National Monument.

Guard Tower - Reconstructed
As the Pearl Harbor attack intensified existing hostility towards Japanese Americans and wartime hysteria mounted, President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. This order forced over 120,000 persons of Japanese ancestry to leave their homes and jobs and be imprisoned in one of ten internment camps spread across the nation—Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming. The people who spent years of their lives in the centers will never forget the tar paper-covered barracks, the guard towers, and the barbed-wire fencesOver 13,000 total inmates lived in the harsh living conditions at Minidoka (elevation 4,000 ft). Minidoka had 36 residential blocks. Each block contained 12 barracks, a mess hall, and a latrine. There were eight guard towers located around the perimeter of the camp. Guard towers were manned by US military police—their guns pointing at the Japanese American captives

The Suzuki Family at Minidoka in Winter


These photographs are the property of Leon Jackson and are protected by copyright laws. Photographs may not be downloaded or reproduced in any way without the written permission of Leon Jackson. © 2017 Leon Jackson. All Rights Reserved.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Putting American citizens in concentration camps was wrong.